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Numerical methods for Geo-electromagnetic exploration techniques

Course Type Day Time Room
  Thursday 14:00 - 14:45 3.137

Important Update:

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemics, all of this module's teaching will take place online until further notice. After re-establishment of in-person teaching, the courses will take place in the listed rooms above.


Topics covered in this course

Properties of induction fields, dimensional analysis and geophysical, electromagnetic experiments.
• Electromagnetic fields, sources, and the electromagnetic coupling problem

Discretization of Maxwell’s Equations
• Induction in a homogeneous Earth and one-dimensional Structures and their finite- difference discretizations
• Modeling of two-dimensional magnetotelluric problems using finite-element discretizations

Numerical Aspects
• Large linear systems, preconditioning & iterative solver
• Mesh generation techniques

The target audience are master students studying applied geophysics, but is suitable for all MSc students, PhD students and Postdocs with a strong mathematical background.

By successful completion of the module 3 ECTS credits points will be awarded.