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Compulsory for main focus geophysics: Advanced Geophysical Field Course
Identification number


180 h

Term of studying
1st - 3nd semester
Frequency of

Summer term

1 semester
1 Type of lessons
a) Seminar
b) Practical Training
Contact times
30 h
30 h
Self-study times
60 h
60 h
Intended group size
Maximum 9

Aims of the module and acquired skills

Practical experience in direct current resistivity and electromagnetic prospection techniques, survey design, target identification, resolution of the methods, data evaluation, 1D and 2D modelling. General overview of the methods and their strength and weaknesses.

Acquired skills :

  • Ability to plan, conduct, protocol, interpret and document direct current resistivity and electromagnetic geophysical measurements
  • Ability to choose the most appropiate method for a given exploration problem
  • The ability in scientific writing and oral presentation is trained during the seminar

Contents of the module

  • Direct Current Method with Multielectrode System (2D-DC)
  • Radiomagnetotelluric (RMT)
  • In-Loop Transient Electromagnetic Soundings (TEM)
  • LOTEM data analysis and modelling
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) / Ground conducting meters (HLEM)

Accounting for new developments in electromagnetic methods of applied geophysics and/or instrumentation the above methods may be replaced.
4 Teaching/Learning methods

Seminar about methods and field course (compulsory attendance for all parts)
5 Requirements for participation

Formal: None.

Basics of electric and electromagnetic methods are strongly recommended.

Type of module examinations

Written Examination (graded)

7 Requisites for the allocation of credits
  1. Successful participation in the seminar about methods is prerequisite for admission to the written exam:
    • Short oral presentation of one method (ungraded)
    • Successful preparation/complition of the practical courses (testified ungraded)
    • Written report (20 pages maximum) of one method including results of the field survey (ungraded)
    Each failed part can be repeated once during the semester before the written examination.
  2. Successful participation of the written exam.

At the end of the semester or to the beginning of the following semester a possibility to repeat the examination is offered. A failed examination may be repeated twice. Additional possibilities to repeat an examination exist according to the examination regulations (§ 20 section 1).

Assessments which have been passed are not allowed to be taken again.

The module mark is the grade obtained in the assessment.
8 Compatibility with other Curricula

9 Significance of the module mark for the overall grade

10 Module coordinator

B. Tezkan and R. Bergers
11 Additional information

Recommended Literature:

W.E. Telford et. al., Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Nabighian, M.N., Electromagnetic soundings in applied geophysics, SEG,1987.
M.S. Zhadanov and G.V. Keller, The geoelectrical methods in applied geophysics, SEG, 1987.
D. S. Parasanis, Principles of Applied Geophysics, Halsted Press Book, 1979.